How to choose an engagement film location

When thinking about where to have an engagement session, there are a few important considerations. Review the questions below to help you figure out what location will be best for you.

What do you two like to do together?

Think about some of your favorite things to do on dates. Having an idea of this in mind will help shape where we go and what we do.

What’s practical?

You can technically make ANY location work, however, what is a practical distance from where you live? Think about a certain distance you’d be willing to travel and that will narrow your choices.

What location do you want featured in your film?

Some couples love being in nature. Others like the city. Consider what is important to you.

Do you prefer mornings or evenings?

We want to shoot during sunrise or sunset because the lighting is most dreamy and beautiful.

Is there a location that is meaningful to you?

For example: a first date place, an area you like to hang out, or your proposal spot.

Is there a location that captures what you want your marriage to be about?
Think about your vision for what your marriage will be. When you consider the impact do you want to create on the world around you, is there a location that comes to mind?

Greg Sanders